Oy vey. It's been a heck of a time these last few weeks. It feels like I am going through some Cosmic Constriction that's just squeezing, twisting, and stretching me.
Of course, my writing has suffered greatly. And this Constriction just tightened a few notches, so I need to drop all my little side interests and focus ever more on my work.
Ah, work
After labouring in a corner of the proverbial dark and dank basement for so long, I have been yanked into the light and plopped right into the middle of a very active, very fast, and very interesting group.
This week I left my Web strategy consulting support all talk no walk role at our Nokia Ventures Organization (eh, they'd evolved enough that they needed me no more) and joined another team at Nokia Multimedia (the goons who make the Nseries 'multimedia computer') as a Product Manager for Multimedia Experiences.
Of course, the company is huge and I'm not the only one involved in making cool stuff here (credit where credit is due). Also, there are a ton of things in progress, so in the short term, I am just helping things come to final fruition. Nonetheless, the role places me in a great position to pull together the products in various Multimedia experience areas, such as games, music, TV, video and photos, computers, and Web. I look forward to that challenge.
This role is a definite switch from my passive cogitation to actually having to create products. Heh, let's see if I gots what it takes. In any case, I'll be here for some time to come.*
Oh, one last thing. My fearless leader is way cool with me writing and talking about stuff. I will be able to continue writing and speaking about as much interesting stuff as I can, unfiltered and uncut.
Pause for station identification
With that in mind, let me state the standard disclaimer: everything I write here on this site is an expression of my own opinions, NOT of my employer, Nokia. If these were the opinions of Nokia, the site would be called 'Nokia something' and, for sure, the writing and design would be much more professional. Likewise, I am an intensely trained professional writer (heh), so don't expect to find any confidential secret corporate mumbo-jumbo being revealed here. Everything I write here is public info or readily found via any decent search engine or easily deduced by someone who has an understanding of the industry.
On the flip side, this is my personal site. Please don’t flood me with ideas that you think Nokia might be interested in. Better to leave a comment or trackback relevant to one of my posts (emphasis: relevant). Or go visit one of the Nokia blogs.
So there.
See ya later.
*Of course, I can be persuaded. If anyone has a big book advance, or an unwanted multi-million-Euro winning lottery ticket, or a CxO-level position to offer me (biotech, mobile, or Web are good places to start), feel free to email me. :-)
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