As you can tell, I've been writing more and more about science, biochemistry, medicine, and the like. I've moved most of my mobile industry writing to Nokia Conversations, the corporate blog I run for Nokia (for now; more on that later).
Suspecting that I will be writing less things related to what I've been writing about in the past 5 years, I decided to change the name of this site to Molecularist, a name I came up with to describe a person who fiddles with molecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids, much as I did before I jumped into the world of wireless, and much like I've been hanckering to do for the past year or so (and more on that later, too, I hope).
So update your bookmarks and feeds. If you want to. I would hope you'd keep reading me, just to stretch your mind (or to get it off the usual mobile stuff you have normaly read hear).
BTW, there will still be talk of Web services, since lots of the science I've been thinking of intersects with the future of the Web and social networking and other interesting stuff. Also, by finally getting my own domain name, if I ever get tired of TypePad (upon which this site runs) it'll be easier to move (but, after a persuasive talk with Sippey, I'm sticking for another year at least).
Image from EraPhernaliaVintage
(of course, I'll be changing other things around here to reflect all this)
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