Every so often a site has the 'oh, sorry for being so quiet' post. This is sort-of one of them.
Stream of bookmark consciousness
I used to have the delicious auto-posting feature set up to share bookmarks right here, but as you can tell, it seemed to stop long ago (maybe around their big change?) and I can't get it going again. So, if you want to know what I've been thinking, you can get a glimpse from my delicious stream (also see in left side-bar).
Work writing
I think most of you know that I have been running Nokia Conversations.
Yeah, lots of my writing energy is going there. It's been interesting and we're trying to see how far we can go before getting fired. So far, there have been a few hand-taps, but we haven't had to change or take anything down. My boss' boss keeps telling me to try harder. As my wife says, 'If you aren't falling down, you aren't trying hard enough.'
Visual contrails
The other place I have been quiet has been my Flickr stream (and my folks are upset).
The main reason is that my phone got munged by a car door and I stopped taking photos. I did get another camera phone, but it was a lower resolution and I was too snobby to use it (though it was more than enough a few years ago).
Well, I started taking photos again recently and will upload a few.
Another thing that has been affecting my online life is me toying with various aspects of my 1100 Club thought - moving over to a text-voice phone for a while. By removing some of the habits I have gained with a net-connected phone, I wanted to see what would be affected. And it's been interesting.
Internal machinations
I've been holding onto the thoughts that remain once I dump them into Nokia Conversations, partly because I am not feeling the urge to share them here (sorry). Oh, I have been sharing them in real-life with folks I meet up with, so, if you are interested, please seek me out. :-) And maybe get me a beer. Heh.
Always a pleasure to enjoy.
And that normal life is the happiest I think.
Health must be grateful!
Please link to this site.
URL: http://health-isthemosthappydiary.blogspot.com/
Posted by: hagi | 07 October 2008 at 02:16