Antoine, upon whom I stumbled via MobHappy's Carnival of the Mobilists, has a nice thought stream on social network apps that meld well with the mobile. Ok, so they're a ton of folks talking about this, but I particularly liked his comment that:
"Mobile devices are already here as the handshake, and so the question is, what are social networks doing to get you off the computer, and get you in front of one another?"
Lately, I've kept repeating that the mobile is the ultimate social networking machine. Instead of trying to plop these services onto a mobile device, we need to use the mobile devices to FUEL our social interactions online, especially to do what Antoine says: to lead to a handshake.
In the end, it's our first life that counts.
Link [via Carlo and gang]: - Personal Musings:
Already living within our social interactions, mobile devices facilitate our innate ability to interact with one another, and extend that beyond the temporal to an attachment that we can reconnect at [nearly] anytime.
When a social network can get past the place of just engaging the connected tool to facilitating a live interaction, then we have a software service that would take the handshake metaphor appropriately into the 21st century.
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