My struggle here is the definition of this word. Too vague.
Online - Everything that communicates or uses data is connected to the net or will be (to be simplistic). Why, then, is 'online' a separate concept? It's a utility, a place of living and business, the fabric that connects the modern world, what we 'do'. If a company has an online group, does it have an offline group? Online should be part of all groups. Online isn't a separate biz function, but an underlying connector.
You can review all my previous 'Tired Words' here on this page.
I like this series. The bad thing is, that after you have finished, I'll have no vocabulary left to use to talk about ...things. Why don't you introduce alternative terms to use instead of the tired ones?
Other tired words I have in mind: everything2.0, content, multimedia, openness, wow, ...
Posted by: Tommi Vilkamo | 13 October 2006 at 04:40