What’s great about having your own website is that you end up after a while with a long list of things you have written about that in the end interest you somehow. Then, when you look back upon all that, you realize what kind of focus and perspective you have in your particular writing.
Some folks are focus on design, others on weird cognitive connections (cognections), others about how people do, others on gadgets and gizmos (and pink!), and others on general industry stuff.
When I look back at my stuff, I realize I seem to write in a philosophical, culture-watcher kinda way, commenting on what is happening now, shift in behaviour and use, and trends that will transform how we live. Do you think that's a fair assessment?
Charlie Schick: Mobile Philosopher.
What do your topics tell about you?
You seem to be the observer's observer... coming in with some higher-level stuff that those of us focused on certain areas (even if it's "general industry stuff ;) ) might be too close to notice. And a good one at that.
I'd say my topics reveal a short attention span, or something like that...
Posted by: carlo | 28 April 2006 at 10:28
Carlo is beyond 'general' I would say :-) however I'm so happy you feel I can be put in the 'design' category because that truly is my passion. trying to get a bit more focus into the lifestyle experience through ethnography, but that is quite a mouthful and not very industry-friendly! Great stuff, keep posting!
Posted by: Kelly | 01 May 2006 at 13:12