I had been on the look out for this. A new mobile blog has been announced (thanks Tommi).
Mike Arrington of Techcrunch has extended his brand (maybe with my goading?) to the new Mobilecrunch. Does that make Mike Captain Crunch? Had to say it.
The lead mobilecruncher is Oliver Starr who recently left his gig at Mobile Weblog and, in addition to Mobilecrunch, has popped up at MobHappy. Doin' fine, Oliver.
Link: TechCrunch - A New Blog is Born - MobileCrunch.
I am very pleased to announce a new TechCrunch Network blog - MobileCrunch. MobileCrunch is being written by long-time “mobile” blogger and entrepreneur, Oliver Starr. Oliver just left his current blog, the very popular The Mobile Technology Weblog, to join me.
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