I was thinking more about what I said and realized that I left one thing out.
The PC Suite guys are not stupid. They have been working really hard to get it right. But, one thing I think everyone forgets is that Nokia’s PC Suite team has to support something like 30 new phones a year. Uh, how many new Pocket PCs or Palms or Windows Smartphones come out in a year – I am not even sure if it is 30 for the whole lot?
I know what it’s like to deal with 1 or 2 phone programs, imagine 30. So, it’s understandable if things happen a little slower and so on.
And, since Synch is very important to Lifeblog, we are in constant discussions with the PC Suite team and we are rooting for them to grow successfully.
I’m not trying to cover my tusch here, just wanted to keep the story balanced and give some insight into what the PC Suite guys deal with on a daily basis, even without the comments from all of us.
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